Friday, September 18, 2009

Give me something, please

iPhone News and Forums at

Since nobody looks at this thing, I guess it's okay to sell out in the hopes of getting more free stuff, even though the very post which prompted me to start a blog in the first place went nowhere. And that was supposed to be guaranteed.

Because of this, I doubt that I'll get any points from posting that link up there, and I'm even more positive that -- even if I were to somehow be given the points -- still nothing would come of it, given that I never, ever, ever win anything. I wish I was just being an overdramatic, hyperbolic ass but I'm afraid there's not the slightest twinge of exaggeration in that statement. The last thing I won was a guinea pig from my kindergarten class. But even that was rigged (they knew I really wanted it so they obviously let me win). I'm now a 5th year senior in college, pathetic in a loveable, Charlie Brown kind of way (please don't correct me), in a condition that nobody wants to reward with free things.

So here I am, once again, selling out and pining for points I won't get to try and win something I won't even be considered for. And this is the sad state my life is in.


1 comment:

Naseer Ahmad said...

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