Thursday, February 26, 2009

How's This for Something New?

I like free things. A lot. Getting something for little or no cost is one of the few things that can motivate me to move from out of the tepid pool of laziness I usually find myself in and on to doing something with my life.

Like this post. Scott had been pushing and begging me to start my blog for months. And while I honestly wanted to do it and realized what good practice writing on a near-daily basis would be, I still couldn't find the effort inside me to click open a new tab, navigate to my gmail account, find the dirt foundation I had already laid out, and actually put something down.

You know what did though? Free food. From Dairy Queen. All I had to do was get off of my lazy as-- wait. I didn't even have to get up. So all I had to do was sit here and type up this little blurb in a matter of 5 minutes, email DQ, and I get food at no cost.

I'm not lying -- this 'free' thing is powerful stuff. Keep it coming.